Bojonegoro Regency Towards a Beautiful Village (Love Statistics) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bojonegoro Regency

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Bojonegoro Regency Towards a Beautiful Village (Love Statistics)

Bojonegoro Regency Towards a Beautiful Village (Love Statistics)

April 8, 2021 | Other Activities

Desa Cantik is a BPS program within the scope of a village, sub-district, nagari, or regional unit at the same level to improve the competence of its apparatus. The goal is not only to make village officials understand more about statistics, but also to create a community that loves statistics in the village.

Out of 83,820 village-level administrative regions in Indonesia, BPS has selected 100 beautiful villages related to public services and public information disclosure. For later assistance will be carried out by BPS to become an empowering village and able to develop its village through the data it has.

Bojonegoro Regency itself was selected 2 Beautiful Villages (Cinta Statistic), namely Kauman Village and Prayungan Village.

On Thursday, April 8, 2021, the Head of BPS for East Java Province (Dr. Dadang Hardiwan) and his staff and the Head of BPS for Bojonegoro Regency (Mr. Ir. Firman Bastian, M.Si) along with his staff visited the two villages.

In the future, it is hoped that the synergy between BPS and the village is related to creating a Beautiful Village (Love Statistics).
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